Monday, June 14, 2010

My Body...It Aches

I said to him last night or this morning (i can't remember)
that i'm not sure how long i can keep this up.
this pace.
these long strides.
because each night, once kep is asleep,
i've no more to give but so much more to do
and i regret, come morning,
that i didn't do all the more that i could've
the eve before.
but my legs, they ache to lie down
and my back, it aches to lie still
and my core, it aches b/c it can take no more
and all because
each part of my whole is neglected.
serious neglection.

so i told him that i need to focus on my body
and building
so that i can handle going at a pace that
feels good at the end of a day...
ANY day...
long or short...
easy or difficult...
my body needs attention
so that it can attend my life.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I would like to be still

I would like to be still
in my mind
and in my heart
So that i might hear
and be able to listen
to what is being said
to me
from Him.

I would like to be still
so that answers can find me
and i might nod my head
and finally understand
why i feel
the way i do
and why i think
what i think.

I would like to be still
so that someone could embrace me
with soft arms
They could wrap me in love
and hold me just right
so that i might feel
and believe
that i am loved.

I would like to be still
so that i could start again
the way i was meant to start
and so that i could take steps
in the direction i was meant to go
toward all things
that fill me up.

I would like to still mySELF
and still yourSELF
so that we might connect
and love each other
and feel each others energy
flow through and back again
as close as we could possibly be
without becoming one.